Project Run and Play

Fairytale Easter Dress

Little Miss Muffet, sat on a tuffet, eating her curds and whey. Along came a spider, and sat down beside her, and frightened Miss Muffet away!

I know, I know. I’m stuck in quarantine and all I can do is sew fancy Easter dresses that no one is going to be wearing to church any time soon!! But when other testers are also bored in quarantine, and issue a tester vs tester challenge, PLUS it time to sew along with Season 23 of Project Run and Play, you gotta follow your heart and just go for it!! Puff sleeves and pastels for daaaayyyzz.

So this little number came up because some of the Sofiona Designs pattern testers are bored between tests. We decided to “face off”, which basically just means two of us sew any Sofiona pattern and post our makes on Facebook! Then the owners, Sherri and Trish, awarded us each made up awards and we all crazy laugh because we are going stark raving mad in quarantine! My face off partner, Bridget of Positively Bridget, decided we wanted an extra layer of challenge, so we decided to sew for PRP’s week 3 theme, “Everyday Fairytale” as well! Two birds, one stone. 😀 Or outfit. We’re not wearing stones over here.

This dress started life as the Fireweed dress from Sofiona Designs. I brought the front neckline up to a round neck, and threw on a pair of puff sleeves. For the collar, I actually used one size 16 neck ruffle and centered it at the front center of the neckline. I hid the seam with that cute black bow! I really love how the Fireweed has such cool piecing on the bodice. So many opportunities to add cute trim or the ruffles that come with the pattern, and color block!

Rather than the circle skirt, I used the skirt for SlpCo’s Jamisyn dress. Those deep pockets were exactly the look I had in mind! And of course, she immediately started filing them with treasures. Just no *real* spiders please!

I also added a pettiskirt with a ruffled hem and a sash with a nice big bow on the back. Just to push the cute factor over the edge.